For many years the BC Culinary Foundation and our culinary community have collaborated with the Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust to raise funds for their various projects.
Image Courtesy of Kirsten Laufer Photography
On Saturday June 22 of this year Culinary Team BC and many of their respected friends and colleagues joined forces to provide a memorable barbecue for 250 appreciative guests at the City of Delta’s Harris Barn located in Hawthorne Grove Park in Ladner.
Image Courtesy of Kirsten Laufer Photography
Two barbecue lines were set up at the entrance of the barn while a serving area at the rear of the barn was created for the assembly of the salads that were served “family style” once the guests were seated:
Watermelon and Feta Salad with Pomegranate and Orange Vinaigrette.
Mixed Greens and Assorted Vegetable Carpaccio with Herbed Honey Mustard Dressing.
Albacore Tuna Poke with Sushi Rice salad..
Charred Vegetable and Bread Salad with White Balsamic Vinaigrette.
Image Courtesy of Kirsten Laufer Photography
Having enjoyed their salads, the guests were then dispatched to the barbecues where they were tantalized by a team of grill masters who masterfully cooked and served:
New York Steaks with Café de Paris Butter.
Coconut / Lime Chicken breasts with Spicy Pineapple Salsa.
Pork Spareribs in Espresso Coffee Barbecue Sauce.
Rolled Lamb Shoulder with Smoked Paprika Chutney.
Miso Glazed Salmon with Cucumber Relish.
Fresh Green Beans in Orange Butter.
Warn Fingerling Potato Salad.
Image Courtesy of Kirsten Laufer Photography
With the clean up in progress and the charcoal now only ashes and dying embers, the team went to work on serving a dessert of:
Pavlova with Lemon Curd, Cream and Fresh (Perfectly Ripened) Delta Grown Strawberries.
Image Courtesy of Kirsten Laufer Photography
The consensus? 250 very happy and certainly well fed Delta Farmers and their guests…..Mission Accomplished!
Image Courtesy of Kirsten Laufer Photography
Culinary Team BC wishes to thank:
Valerie Miller and her colleagues for making the wise choice and recruiting Team BC for the job.
Bruno Marti for his participation, his guidance and especially for his having been actively involved in every Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust barbecue since its inception.
Tobias MacDonald for his valuable assistance in planning and the cooking of the meal, another event participant since the beginning.
Poyan Danesh, Shawn Lang, Helen Orimaco-Pumatang, and Marco Baldiserra for their friendship, commitment, and for their greatly appreciated and continued support.
Nathan Sundeen and Evan Mott for willingly spending their Saturday with us. Their attendance and help at the event were both welcomed and recognized
All of the servers, helpers and additional volunteers who played a very important role in the success of the event.